Welcome to CAPP

CHILD & ADULT PSYCHIATRISTS OF THE PENINSULA is a group of doctors committed to providing the highest quality mental health services to the bay area since 2004.

We are:

Vanna Sutherland, M.D.Adult Psychiatry, Women’s Issues


Jason Takeuchi, M.D.Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry



1650 Borel Place, Suite 208

San Mateo, CA  94402

Registration forms can be found on the Forms page

Check out the updated Patient Resources page for links to informational websites and more

If you have billing questions, please go to the Billing page

(Please note: CAPP does not accept Medi-Care or Medi-CAL and is no longer contracted with Blue Cross.)

Attention:  For HIPAA-compliant secure online sessions, CAPP is currently utilizing the doxy.me platform.

Doxy.me is convenient and easy-to-use — requiring only a smartphone with cameras or internet-connected computer with the latest Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari (at least version 11) web browser and typing in the web address you can obtain from your doctor (e.g., https://doxy.me/*******)  for the appointment. To preserve confidentiality, online sessions will not be recorded.

Please schedule an appointment with us or ask us questions about this the usual way (phone or text or email) as this platform is only for having sessions remotely. Please check with your doctor about the availability of in-person sessions.

Thank you.

Dr. Vanna Sutherland and Dr. Jason Takeuchi

As required by law, we have information on the Open Payments database which can be found on the Forms page.

Child & Adult Psychiatrists of the Peninsula, Inc.